A Yet “Unnamed” HIDEAWAY – June 2024

First there was COVID. In response, first there was LADYRAB II – my 1965 Airstream, and then LADYRAB III – my 1959 Fan Camper. Both now are in new homes. Then last year I tried to move a “static retreat” to the rear of “44,” but alas it had been built too tall to traverse down the road without serious consequences. But the search for a “hideaway” continued.

On-line searches and possibilities, then in April this year a second trip to Jamaica Cottage Shop in Vermont, where I saw this potential “beauty.”

Short story shorter, I bought this “one off” that had been specially built with open sides for a music concert. It was an open palette for my finishing. Then to move from Vermont, but first to prepare the site per required specifications.

Have you had the same problem recently? No one returns calls or emails. Do they all have too much work and the lack of courtesy to reply? Email to friend Mark who is third generation owner of local plumbing, etc. E. E. Houghton. “Hey Mark,” I asked, “can you make a recommendation, or your fellows help?” Yes, Mark set things up for me with his crews. Bless “small towns” and friends.

Late May, Mark’s fellows arrived.

and got started

the plan was to position my vacation “hideaway” facing nothing but trees and sunsets to the west and Vermont. Not seen would be other structures and civilization — a faraway camp but steps away.

see the wire in the ditch above? I warned the fellows that when digging the basement for my bookshop we severed the electric line to the pool pump house in the rear. “Not to worry,” they said, “it should be 18-24 inches down.” Was not, and fortunately not cut through. I found the breaker, we severed the line, and rolled it back up to be connected to my hideaway alleviating the need to bury a new line.

once leveled with amazing laser equipment you can see bottom right – gravel is spread level as required for a base. Do remember, my “side by side” gallery images may be clicked for larger views.

and, site about complete, and done…ready for my yet “unnamed” arrival

One delivery delay — truck breakdown – and June 11, 2024, was the day. I saw fellows coming down the drive – and I ran out to see on the street….

and their second truck came in to position blocks

a concern that I finally convinced them was not a concern because I raise wires across my drive with my snow rake when I have cardboard deliveries (flats for packing books I ship) made by a big box truck.

coming down the drive

getting closer

and about to place

In position in just over three minutes in this video

And, in place

Windows and doors on site – finishing wood for sides and framing to be ordered…

SOON — below — 15 June 2024

and let the escapes and parties begin. luv, RAB

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2 Responses to A Yet “Unnamed” HIDEAWAY – June 2024

  1. illcanton says:

    My goodness, Ray.  You never cease to amaze with your projects!  An exciting additi

  2. Lauren Csaki says:

    Looks wonderful, Ray!

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